Looking younger has never been easier!
All you have to do is to apply the Naturally Claude Botox Gel 2 to 3 times per day and you’re going to see the remarkable difference in 10 to 15 days only.
Pearly Cream can be applied afterwards for better results.
Rich in hyaluronic acid, Naturally Claude Botox Gel:
Fills the wrinkles on your forehead and surrounding your eyes.
Fills your cheek area
Moisturizes and instantly plumps your lips
أصبح من السهل اعادة شبابك اليوم بمجرّد استعمال جيل البوتوكس السّحري من Naturally Claude.
يحتوي هذا الجيل على الهيالورونيك اسيد الّذي يعمل على جذب جزيئات الماء للحفاظ على امتلاء الجلد.
يتمّ وضع جيل البوتوكس بدقّة على المناطق الّتي ترغبين بامتلائها و ينصح باستعماله مرّتين الى ثلاث مرّات في اليوم و ستلاحظين النتيجة بعد 10 الى 15 يوم فقط, كما بامكانك تطبيق البيرلي كريم لنتيجة سريعة و فعّالة.
Johana –
Hi i would like to try some of these products. Can you send me the prices and do you deliver to the U.S.
Reem –
Hello , i want to know how to use it what is its price and where can i find it in Lebanon in which Pharmacy.In addition to that , if it have any side effect.
johana –
which product you like to know the price and yes we deliver to usa
reem –
hello , price of botox is 55$ and yes its available in pharmacies and we can deliver for free to any address inside lebanon.
Mohamed Alhasy –
Hello There i Watch all ur ads and really i like all your stuff but where can i find it in Libya Tripoli?
Claude Saad –
Pharmacie el sheikh tripoli
Claude Saad –
nadjett –
im in algeria where can i get fat burning capsules and zhorat how much do they cost
evelyne –
Please the price for the botox cream ???
Ilham elhichami –
Est ce vous avez un point de vente au Maroc?
Sinon est ce que vous livrez ? Je suis intéressée par vos produit ( vusage – cheveux- corps )
Claude Saad –
Morocco- Casablanca: 0661221878
Morocco- Tanja: 0658079025
Morocco – Fas: 0632424835
Claude Saad –
55 USD
Claude Saad –
Paris: 0033695057259
Claude Saad –
Algeria: 0555885171 and 0777291301
Claude Saad –
Claude Saad –
hello, yes we deliver to USA by DHL
Nael Hadi –
please ,I need to get an idea about your products prices,so please send me the products prices if you don’t mind..thx
Claude Saad –
check your email please.
latifa hanna –
i hi
my name is ellie , i heard about your product and I want to know if you deliver to australia?
thank you
Claude Saad –
Australia ( Canterbury ): 0416300000
Australia (Victoria ) :0452226493
stephanie –
Hello i want to know if the botox gel is effective for lips use? And where can I find it in which pharmacies ??
Nahla –
Can i put botox gel under my eyes to fill little lines under eyes or i should avoid this area ?
Claude Saad –
You should use Eye Treatment Serum for under the eyes.
Claude Saad –
Hello. Yes it is effective for lips also. You need to provide us with your address so that we are able to tell you the nearest pharmacy, or you can contact us at 04-721219
Claude Saad –
yes you can use it for your lips, where do you live dear? which area?