أطلق خبير الطاقة والجمال كلود سعد كريم الكافيار المتألّف من إحدى عشر عنصر أبرزها الكافيار والألوفيرا وزيت جنين القمح وغيرها من عناصر تعمل على تنشيط خلايا البشرة لتزيد من رونقها ومرونتها وتجعلها مشدودة ومليئة لوجود الأيارونيك اسيد المتوفر بمادة البوتكس
Caviar cream has been formulated with all active ingredients and vitamins such as collagen and hyaluronic acid, as well as caviar and vitamin E, to treat wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones .It enriches the skin cells with all the essential nutrients needed. After regular use, the skin becomes more firm younger, fresh and has a shining appearance.
ماء,حمض هيالوروني,كولاجين,الوا فيرا,بابونج,زيت اللوز,مستخرج الكاليندولا,زيت خروع,فيتامين اي ,زيت جنين القمح ,حامض ذهني,لانيت,ايتانول,الماءالنقي, الجلسرين , و بارافين زيت
Active ingredients:
Collagen, hyaluoronic acid, caviar, aloe vera, chamomile& calendula extract almond oil ,castor oil vitamin E ,wheat germ oil_stearic ,acid , lanette ,euthanol purified water ,glycererine , T.E.A, imidazolidinyl urea , paraffin oil
Direction of use:
Caviar cream must be used daily at night , after cleansing the face with naturally Claude facial gel wash
طريقة الاستعمال:
يستعمل كافيار كريم كل يوم مساء على الوجه بعد غسله بغسول الناتشورال كلود جيل واش
H Y –
كم سعر المنتج
مجدي –
كام سعره ؟ وووين موجود في السعوديه ؟
evelyne –
what ‘s the price fir the caviar cream please??
Claude Saad –
85 USD
Claude Saad –
Issam –
can it to be used around eye area ? active against wrinkles ? face lifting ? for men too ?
Claude Saad –
yeh for male and female
Claude Saad –
It is an anti wrinkle product that lifts the face and makes it smoother and brighter. It can be used by men too, but I would avoid using it near the eyes. For treatment of the eyes, use the Eye Treatment Serum.
Issam Al Ma’ani –
I was trying to call your representative in Jordan ( Mr. Abu Rami- 0789222411) but there was no use for many times; either no response or the mobile was switched off. Previously I managed to call him and asked for the Strong Immunity supplement but was not available for a whole month.
I need to buy some of your products ; what’s the best way to contact your representative here in Amman ?
Kindly don’t mention my name to your representative in Jordan as to avoid any sensitivities.
Issam Al Ma’ani
Amman – Jordan
Claude Saad –
Dear Try again